1000 Albums Project

Buy Me a Coffee


See that weird orange blob in the bottom right corner? That’s a widget. It lets you buy me a virtual coffee. If you’re enjoying my reviews and want to support me, I’d love a cup of hot brown.

In order to do so, you’ll need to use the widget from the main page, not this one. I know, I know, it’s annoying. I’m looking to fix it soon. Silly WordPress theme. So, click on the “1000 Albums Project” header above to get to the Album Cover Matrix page, and use the widget there.

Don’t feel obliged, of course. And full disclaimer: I only drink decaf, so if you’re a coffee snob you’re likely funding the Devil.


*clinks mugs, dunks Hobnob*

© 2024 1000 Albums Project

Theme by Anders Norén